Apr 12, 2014

Easter Recipes and Crafts

In the Philippines, Holy Week (Semana Santa/Lenten Season) is a big deal so for the entire week the Philippines commemorate the sacrifice, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ culminating with Easter Sunday for some festive activities. It's no so much easter egg hunting as it's done in the US - but it has more of a religious feel and it's truly as big as Christmas day. Every one is happy and celebrates the fact that Christ rose from the dead.

Since from Maundy Thursday, officially everything shuts down for the big Easter weekend, those who work in the big cities in the Philippines get the chance to reunite with their families for the long weekend holiday. Each town with a Catholic church would have religious processions for several days and in our own home town we have what is a unique festival called - Moriones Festival. The men would wear wooden masks carved to look like Roman soldiers as part of the festivities. For an entire week, they parade around in these costumes. Often, they would also participate in a play called Senakulo - a dramatic performance to commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ. So, as you can imagine, Easter season where I came from is definitely different from how it is celebrated elsewhere.

After that small cultural glimpse, let's now move on to the yummy part - Easter recipes. Find below a collection of delicious food that you can make for the Easter weekend when you gather with your family. There are also some crafts that you can make with your kids or as your own art project. Some of these recipes and crafts are from the web so a link back and due credit is given to the original authors. I am thankful for their wonderful creations. Enjoy!

Please note: To find the recipe find the photo of the yummy sweet or savory treat you are looking for and then click on the link underneath. That should lead you to the recipe. This is a collection of recipes from our blog and other amazing food bloggers. 

Easter Recipes

Easter Crafts

Easter Egg Holders

Chick and Lamb Easter Craft

Real Meaning of Easter

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