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Dec 15, 2016

Chocolate Cappuccino Cupcakes

A delicious burst of coffee goodness in every bite of these Chocolate Cappuccino Cupcakes with a luscious espresso-flavored buttercream frosting! Perfect pair with your morning coffee! 

A delicious burst of coffee goodness in every bite of these Chocolate Cappuccino Cupcakes with a luscious espresso-flavored buttercream frosting! Perfect pair with your morning coffee! |

Last month we went to England and visited some family and friends. We stayed with my mother-in-law who has a lovely house overlooking the Norfolk Broads. My favorite thing to do when there is simply relax enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the lovely scenery by the window. I do have lovely memories of my father-in-law and, recently, my mother-in-law serving us with a delicious homemade espresso-based drink, whether it be a cappuccino or latte, all with a delicious helping of something sweet if we wanted some (there's always a yummy treat in that house!) and we all felt like we were in 5 star accommodation indeed! You see my parents-in-law owned this lovely little machine that allowed them to make espresso at home in a breeze and entertaining became easier for them having that especially when unexpected guests arrive and we had some while we were there. Anyway, since then I have always wanted a little machine like that!

Sep 11, 2016

30 Delicious Apple Cakes for Every Occasion

To celebrate Fall and Apple season, here's a delicious collection of 30 DELICIOUS APPLE CAKES!  Look no more!

To celebrate Fall and Apple season, here's a delicious collection of 30 DELICIOUS APPLE CAKES!  Look no more! |


Jul 13, 2016

10 Easy No Bake Peach Desserts

To celebrate peach season, here's a delicious collection of easy NO BAKE Peach desserts! 

To celebrate peach season, here's a delicious collection of easy NO BAKE Peach desserts!

Who doesn't love Peach? Plump, perfectly ripe and juicy peaches! Love peach desserts but don't fancy baking in the heat of summer? Fear no more, we have searched all over the web for the most delicious and easy no bake desserts so you can enjoy all the peach yumminess this summer and beyond!

Mar 8, 2016

10 Naturally Green Cakes for St. Patrick's Day

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day without fear with these dye-free and naturally green delicious cakes! Perfect desserts to welcome Spring, too!

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day without fear with these dye-free and naturally green delicious cakes! Perfect desserts to welcome Spring, too! |

March is indeed a special month for me. Can you guess why? No, not because of St. Patrick's Day but because it's actually my birthday month. Since my actual birthday falls on the 16th, which is pretty significant in Philippine history as this was the date our beautiful islands were discovered by Ferdinand Magellan, it is also just a day before St. Patrick's Day. This prompted me to make this post as nearly every year since this blog began in 2012 I have made several green colored cakes. I thought it would be just proper to make a collection of these dye-free and naturally green cakes so we can enjoy this day of festivities with all the fun and less the guilt! Enjoy and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Jan 4, 2016

White Chocolate Cranberry Coffee Cake

Use fresh, frozen or dried cranberries to make this moist and delicious White Chocolate Cranberry Coffee Cake. Perfect to serve for tea time as well. |

The holidays are over! I feel quite sad as Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. Alas, it seems forever until the next one. Sigh. Thankfully, I still had some remnants of the holidays. A pack of cranberries, half a pack of white chocolate chips and a holiday bundt pan which went on sale so I had no choice but to buy it! That was my excuse anyway. So what does a girl do with these? Naturally, I thought about cake - a delicious sweet treat that I can enjoy with coffee.

Dec 16, 2015

Cranberry Eggnog Espresso Chocolate Chip Cake

No need for a mixer to make this easy and delicious Cranberry Eggnog and Espresso (Chocolate) Chip Cake. The perfect dessert for Christmas and New Year. Great with your fave coffee drink, too! |

This is my 13th cranberry recipe in the blog, can you believe it? I only realized that when I counted yesterday. That really shows how much we love cranberries in this family. It's such a great ingredient to use whether for a savory or sweet dish as it imparts a tangy and fresh taste that contrasts, enhances or compliments other flavors. Of course, it is a natural holiday favorite too because of its vibrant red color which makes anything you add it to look festive and gorgeous.

Nov 29, 2015

21 Luscious NO BAKE Holiday Cheesecakes

The best, easiest and most luscious NO BAKE CHEESECAKES around the web to celebrate Christmas, New Year and any holiday!!! |

It's the most wonderful time of the year....With the kids jingle belling....And everyone telling you be of good cheer......and so the song goes. This song has been playing in my head for a few days now. I guess because I have been gearing up for Christmas since September that's why! Why September? Because the whole 7,100+ islands of the Philippine archipelago believe in their hearts as soon as the -BER months begin - it's the signal of Christmas season so some radio stations and around the malls you'll begin to hear Christmas carols already. I know, it's too much but I am just trying to fully embrace my culture! LOL. 

May 9, 2015

Cassava Cake with Creamy Custard Topping

Upon touchdown at Ninoy Aquino International Airport whenever I return home to Manila, there is one dessert I instantly dream of and crave - CASSAVA CAKE. With a soft and spongy texture, flavored with coconut and condensed milk and then topped with a creamy custard sauce - my taste buds instantly dance with joy with each bite of this favorite Filipino delicacy. Go to any mall or market anywhere in the Philippines and you're sure to find cassava cake being offered on sale. We just love this delicious dessert so much!

Cassava, also known as manioc, Brazilian arrowroot, tapioca and often referred to as yucca (though they're not really the same), is a starchy tuberous root of a tree that grows abundantly in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America. It is in fact a staple much like corn and rice in certain countries. This is what a cassava looks like. You can find these already frozen and grated at many Asian stores so it's very accessible now.  And certainly in the Philippines, you can find the tree all over the place.

Photo credit goes to Amada44 who contributed this photo to Wikipedia.
While there are many uses for cassava the ultimate favorite would be the Cassava Cake. I've had quite a few slices of this delectable treat in the Philippines when I returned home recently and now I miss it so much. Thankfully, a Filipina friend of mine invited me grocery shopping to a huge Asian store in Hartford last week and I was able to grab a packet of this frozen cassava. It was time to make my own version of this yummy cake so I can literally have my cake and eat it, too! ;)

For this version, I added a little ground cardamon which you probably won't find in any other usual cassava cake recipe but I thought it might work and wow it did! Ever so subtle is the taste but you can tell that a tiny amount of cardamom gives this cake an extra layer of yum. I know it for sure because hubby who normally is not into our puddings and homemade delicacies loved it a lot. And then I gave some of this to my Filipino friends to sample and they called me the next day to say that they really enjoyed this cassava cake. So now this version is fully tried and tested and given the seal of approval. But if you can't find cardamom, don't worry it will still come out yummy because the added creamy vanilla custard topping also gives this cake a lot of flavor. Instead of the usual plain condensed milk on top which I used to make for this cake I thought, I'll improvise and add a thin layer of custard (inspired by our leche flan) on top and then sprinkle some brown sugar to really bring it over the top. So next time you go to an Asian store, grab a packet or 2 of grated cassava (if frozen, simply thaw before using) and make  this! Enjoy!

Cassava Cake with Creamy Custard Topping

With a soft and spongy texture, flavored with coconut and condensed milk and then topped with a creamy vanilla custard sauce - your taste buds will dance with joy with each bite of this favorite Filipino delicacy.


  • Butter for greasing the pan
  • 1 lb grated Cassava (if frozen, thaw first)
  • 1 14 oz can sweetened condensed Milk
  • 1 14 oz can Coconut Milk
  • 2 large Eggs
  • 1/4 - 1/8 teaspoon ground Cardamom (optional but highly recommended)

  • For the Custard Topping 

  • 1/2 a 14 oz can of condense milk
  • 1/4 cup Half-n-half (Single Cream)
  • 2 large Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1-2 Tablespoons brown Sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Generously grease the bottom and sides of a baking dish (9x9 or an 8x11).
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the grated cassava, condensed milk, coconut milk, eggs, and ground cardamom (if using) until well-mixed. Pour into the prepared pan.
  3. Bake for 50 minutes or until almost fully set. Remove from the oven and pour the custard sauce on top tilting the pan gently to ensure that the sauce has spread evenly. Bake for another 20 minutes or until the custard has set.
  4. Remove the pan from the oven and set the oven to broil. Sprinkle the brown sugar on top. Place under the broiler for about 2 minutes or until the top is nicely golden and caramelized or use a flame torch to achive the same result.
  5. Cool completely before slicing. I promise this is a slice of heaven!
Yield: 12-16 slices
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cooking Time: 1 Hour 10 Minutes
Total Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes

We would love to hear from you. Do share your comment or feedback on any of our recipes. 

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Apr 28, 2015

Chocolate Orange Swirled Cake

We always look forward to the weekend, who doesn't you may ask? Well, we have a particularly good reason for this. Usually throughout the week we hold back from sweets (ok, I must admit we occasionally fail!). The reason is that in the Philippines I grew up having sweets or special treats only during weekends, specially on Sunday after lunch. Even a bottle of Coke (which was considered dessert as it was sweet) was only allowed during weekends. Naturally, I just adapted it for our home. Since I am the cook in the house that has been the unwritten rule.

Oct 18, 2014

Fresh Apple Cake

I walk my little boy William to school everyday and we are grateful that the school is less than a 5-minute walk. In our usual route, I pass through one of our neighbor's front yard which has a big Apple tree. One day in  October I was walking back from school, I saw our neighbor picking up some apples that came from the tree. At this time she has placed a sign by the tree which asked anyone who happens to pass by to pick a bag of apples.

Jun 5, 2014

Birthday Cake Doughnut

Do you know that tomorrow is National Doughnut Day? That means we have the perfect excuse to enjoy our favorite doughnut or at least get a free one from stores who celebrate this wonderful day! My kids love doughnuts (who doesn't?) and can eat them everyday if I allow them to. They have begged me for the longest time to make some for them but I haven't gotten the courage yet to try making them. I always felt I would mess it up and just end up with inedible food. But of course, you never know until you try so perhaps I should just conquer my doughnut-making fear in 2014 and attempt it once and for all.

Apr 12, 2014

Easter Recipes and Crafts

In the Philippines, Holy Week (Semana Santa/Lenten Season) is a big deal so for the entire week the Philippines commemorate the sacrifice, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ culminating with Easter Sunday for some festive activities. It's no so much easter egg hunting as it's done in the US - but it has more of a religious feel and it's truly as big as Christmas day. Every one is happy and celebrates the fact that Christ rose from the dead.

Apr 5, 2014

Easter Bunny Cake

The Easter season is truly one of the best seasons of the year. It is a time of rejoicing and celebrating especially if you are a Christian and believe in the resurrection. Naturally, when this joyous day arrives, there are always some special treats especially for the kids.

Mar 29, 2014

Chocolate Marble Cake

This is such a yummy cake! So gorgeously delicious and a must try for any serious chocolate lover. Perfect for Valentine's Day! |

I confess I am not much of a baker. I am often intimidated by baking techniques especially when it comes to cakes. I have done a few cakes here and there but they are often pretty simple and uncomplicated. You may notice that a lot of my cakes are cheesecakes as not only are they my true favorite, they are quite easy to make. One of those cakes I have often wished to make was a marble cake. Before, just thinking about attempting one scared me so I postponed making one for the longest time.

Mar 19, 2014

Brittany Butter Cake

A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery BRITTANY BUTTER CAKE is fantastically delicious! Meet your cuppa Joe's or tea's perfect match!

Do you love shortbread? Then you will love this cake. It is a cross between a shortbread and a cake and as you can imagine - with the "butter" in it's name it's got to be delicious and it is! This cake which originated from Brittany is traditionally made with salted butter though nowadays many recipes use plain unsalted butter. I stuck with the original idea and enjoyed the dense salted butter taste of the cake but if you prefer to use the unsalted butter instead, feel free to do so.

Feb 12, 2014

Valentine Desserts

Wondering what to make for Valentine's Day? Look no more, here's a fantastic line-up of fabulous Valentine's desserts! Make any of these and you're sure to please your loved ones! Enjoy


Dec 13, 2013

12 Cakes of December - Recipe Round Up

It's Friday the 13th....and I feel sad and it's not because it's the "Friday the 13th" but because our 12 Cakes of December feature has officially ended. I didn't want to miss any of these delicious cakes so I decided to make a round-up of all these fantastic recipes. These could come in handy not only for Christmas Day but for the rest of the year, especially when you have an upcoming special occasion and you need to make a cake that's not only eye-catching but truly delectable, too. So without further ado, here are the links and photos for the 12 Cakes of December. Please enjoy!
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