Jul 27, 2012

Blueberry-Zucchini Bread

With both blueberries and zucchinis added, this summer bread comes out so moist and so deliciously good!  Perfect treat for the whole family!

With both blueberries and zucchinis added, this summer bread comes out so moist and so deliciously good!  Perfect treat for the whole family!

One of the summer rituals in Michigan is blueberry picking. I love blueberry picking! I love that I can bring the tots to a blueberry farm so they can enjoy getting the blueberries straight from the trees. They love it too! They especially love to eat them straight from the trees as well so I end up doing most of the picking. I ask them, "So where are the berries that you picked?" And with that silly smile on their faces they say, "But we ate them already." Oh well, at least they had some free snacks! Here's Sophie with her friend, Gabby, posing by a blueberry tree.

Aren't these girls gorgeous?

We picked over 3 kilos of blueberries ( 6 lbs +) and now I have to think about what I'm going to do with them. Half of them would be eaten by my family, but the other half would be used for cooking. Am planning to go back to the blueberry farm before the season is over so I can get some more for freezing. That way, I can still enjoy my berries in the middle of winter! Yay!

Here's one of my favorite summer recipes, Blueberry-Zucchini Bread.

With both blueberries and zucchinis added, this summer bread comes out so moist and so deliciously good!  Perfect treat for the whole family!

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1 ½ cups plain Flour 
1 cup plus 2 Tablespoons Sugar
½ teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
½ teaspoon Baking Soda
1 teaspoon  ground Cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground Nutmeg
2 Eggs
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
½ cup vegetable Oil
1 cup Zucchini, grated/shredded
1 cup Blueberries (roll in flour before you fold them in to prevent the berries from sinking into the bottom of the pan)


Preheat oven to 350 F/ 180 C. Lightly grease a loaf pan or line with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients - flour, salt, sugar, leavening agents, cinnamon and nutmeg. 

In a mixing bowl beat together the eggs, vanilla, oil and zucchini.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix just until combined.

Fold in the blueberries. Transfer to the prepared loaf pan.

Bake for about 55-60 minutes, or until a tester/toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. 

With both blueberries and zucchinis added, this summer bread comes out so moist and so deliciously good!  Perfect treat for the whole family!

Cool for about 30 minutes in the pan and then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy!

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  1. i love this entry. you've inspired me to improve my plating. i'm going to try this soon. and the kids are sooo adorable. thank you for sharing! btw i'm also from Marinduque.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Ann. Great to know a kababayan! You've got a lovely blog yourself. Will check it often!

    2. how many calories and carbs!!! Look delicious Yummmmm!!!!

  2. The girls are so cute! And totally understandable to have all the picked blueberries end up in the stomach!

    I love zucchini breads, but with added blueberries, this I must try!

    Thanks for the recipe Abby :)

    1. Thanks Jen! I hope it works for you. I love any recipe where you can add blueberries!

  3. Thanks for the recipe Friend! I will definitely try this one. I still got some blueberries, I also shared some with family and friends. Let me know when you'll be back at the blueberry farm, I want to pick some more as well.

  4. Thanks for dropping by and joining the site Mildred! Hope you like this bread! Will keep in touch re: blueberry picking, hopefully soon! See ya!

  5. It's almost Blueberry picking time here and I'd like to share your recipe on my Facebook page. Let me know if you'll allow it please! www.facebook.com/emilysilverpchef

    1. Of course, it's perfectly fine Emily. Thank you so much. I would suggest that you share it from my page (on my timeline album) instead because if you take the link from here the proper thumbnail does not show. If you prefer, email me when you want it and then I can send to your page this recipe with the proper photo. Thanks.

  6. Hi Abby! I just love your recipes...so I've been back browsing and trying some again. This one sounded sooooo good, so I had to give it a try. It was excellent. Today, I made it into muffins (so I could control my portion size easier) and made a few minor changes. Delicious!! I shared the recipe on my blog today (with credits to you of course!). Hope you don't mind. Keep these wonderful recipes coming. <3 <3


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