Mar 19, 2014

Brittany Butter Cake

A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery BRITTANY BUTTER CAKE is fantastically delicious! Meet your cuppa Joe's or tea's perfect match!

Do you love shortbread? Then you will love this cake. It is a cross between a shortbread and a cake and as you can imagine - with the "butter" in it's name it's got to be delicious and it is! This cake which originated from Brittany is traditionally made with salted butter though nowadays many recipes use plain unsalted butter. I stuck with the original idea and enjoyed the dense salted butter taste of the cake but if you prefer to use the unsalted butter instead, feel free to do so.

Since I love shortbread with my tea, I tried this with my favorite English breakfast tea and it was the perfect combination. Am sure it's great with coffee, too. Just eat in moderation as this is such a more-ish cake! Perfect with some berries and a little sweetened cream! Enjoy!

A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery cake is fantastically delicious!

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6 Egg Yolks, lightly beaten
1 Tablespoon Milk
2 cups All-purpose Flour
1 cup Sugar
1 cup salted Butter, softened to room temperature and sliced into small pieces*
2 teaspoons, Vanilla extract

Handy tool: 9-inch Tart pan or springform pan (loose-bottomed pan)

*Traditionally made with salted butter but if you prefer you can use half salted and half unsalted butter.


Preheat the oven to 350F / 180C. Butter a 9-inch Tart pan; set aside.

Mix the 1 tablespoon milk with a tablespoon of the lightly beaten egg yolks. Set aside. You will use this as a glaze later.

Sift the flour. In a bowl of a stand mixer, add the sifted flour, egg yolks, sugar, butter pieces and vanilla extract. Beat until evenly mixed. If you don't have a mixer you can use your hands to work all the ingredients together until they are well blended and form a slightly sticky dough.

Transfer the batter to a 9-inch buttered tart pan. Spread the batter and smooth the top with a spatula. Brush the top with egg glaze made earlier.

Draw a criss-cross pattern using a fork. Bake for about 45 - 55 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch.

Transfer to a wire rack. Let cool for about 10 minutes and then remove from the pan. Cool completely before serving. This cake lasts for several days assuming it's not consumed right away as it's so yummy! Perfect with coffee or tea!

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A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery cake is fantastically delicious!

Doesn't this cake look yummy?

A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery cake is fantastically delicious!

A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery cake is fantastically delicious!

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