Jun 14, 2014

3-Ingredient Nutella Brownies

Oh Nutella, isn't it one of the most amazing food invention? You can add this to any recipe (dessert, of course) and it just transforms it into something divine. This is why I love to experiment with it and use it whenever I can. And so far, everything I have added it into has become a family favorite, whether in a cheesecake or in cookies and now in brownies.....I wonder what next?

Well, I am sharing this tonight as this recipe has been chosen by our followers and overwhelmingly won the poll in Facebook as the next blog post they wanted to see. Naturally, I thought it's pretty unfair to pit anything with Nutella, it's not an even competition really as who can resist it's creamy, yummy, chocolaty taste? Anyway, perhaps it's meant to be - after all it's Father's Day tomorrow and if your Dad loves brownies or chocolate in general, you can be certain he'll adore this. And with only 3 ingredients, just one bowl and a little elbow grease to mix it up (not really strenuous at all), how can you not want to try it? I have added extra nuts but as the recipe states it's optional so only 3 ingredients are required but feel free to go over the top and add some more pecans, it can't hurt, right? :)

Come on make it and am certain you'll love it and am sure Dad, too. Well, at least we did and we couldn't stop eating it! :) Enjoy!

Hubby is into a gluten-free diet so I actually used a gluten-free all-purpose flour for this but if you're not gluten intolerant, simply swap with regular flour. Enjoy!


2 Eggs
1 cup Nutella
3/4 cup All-purpose Gluten-free (or regular) Flour
1/2 cup chopped Pecans, Walnuts or Almonds (optional)


Preheat the oven to 350 F.

Butter or grease an 8 x 8 baking dish/pan. Line with parchment paper.

In a mixing bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Stir in the Nutella and flour and mix together just until combined. Fold in the nuts (optional but so yummy so feel free to add!). Spread evenly into the prepared pan.

Bake in the preheated oven for about 25 minutes. Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Cut into squares. Eat warm or cold. Be amazed at how yummy it is!

If you wish to print the recipe, there's a print icon at the end of the post. Click on the "remove images box" for easy and convenient printing.

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  1. I bet these would be delicious right out of the oven with a scoop of vanilla!

    1. Yes, that is so true! Thanks for stopping by. Please enjoy!

  2. God bless you, you've given me a cheap and unique way of selling brownies to raise funds for a Youth Church programme coming up! May God continue to bless you with innovative ideas, I pray you and your family prospers! =)

  3. Can you use coconut flour as the flour? If so, how much? Thanks much

    1. I haven't used coconut flour at all so I cannot give a definite answer. It's worth a try and just use the measurement above, Terri. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Oh my goodness, these look amazing! I know my family will love them and I love how easy they are to make :-)

    1. I often make these as they're so easy as you said and guaranteed to be yummy!

  5. Doesn't get much easier than this! These brownies look perfect for a quick treat.

  6. Abby! I'm so glad to have come across your blog from the FB group! My dad often goes to Manila and last year, I met a group of Filipino Bloggers in Malaysia! Small world- I cannot wait to follow along with you on here! :)

    This looks absolutely delicious and seriously, nutella is Godsent!

    1. So glad to know you've met up with some Pinoy bloggers! That's awesome! And I agree, what would life be without Nutella? :)

  7. Anything with Nutella is amazing in my book :-)

  8. It's hard to believe how perfect those look with just three ingredients! Will be trying...

    1. Hope you enjoy it and do add the nuts as they add extra crunch and yum! Thanks, Alisa!

  9. 3 ingredients? Wow!! I love Nutella in any form!

    1. That's right! Anything with nutella is an instant favorite in our house!

  10. Wow, I'm surprised they look so dark from just 1 cup of nutella. Very cool way to keep baking chocolate in an easy form.

    1. It sure looks dark but so scrumptious so I hope you try it. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  11. I do love these brownies and the concept too Abigail, but aren't there 4 ingredients - nutella, flour, eggs and nuts? Anyway, with a recipe this simple, who's counting:)

    1. The extra nuts are entirely optional so only the 3 ingredients are required but we are big pecan lovers so we add it when we can. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  12. The knowledge that I can make these with just 3 ingredients is both fantastic and terrible. I sense an addiction coming soon!

    1. LOL! Yes, I must admit, it is a little difficult to control the urge to have more once you've tasted it. :)


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