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Jun 14, 2014

3-Ingredient Nutella Brownies

Oh Nutella, isn't it one of the most amazing food invention? You can add this to any recipe (dessert, of course) and it just transforms it into something divine. This is why I love to experiment with it and use it whenever I can. And so far, everything I have added it into has become a family favorite, whether in a cheesecake or in cookies and now in brownies.....I wonder what next?

May 21, 2014

Nutella Chocolate Chunk Cookies

By this time, if you follow our blog, you already know that we love Nutella. Not that we eat it on a daily basis, however, when we buy a big jar on occasion, I make sure that a portion of it is used or converted into something yummy! After all, who really can resist a recipe that has Nutella in it?


May 3, 2014

No Bake Nutella Cheesecake

We love sweets in our family! Too much, I think!!! And if there is one dessert that we all can agree on - it's got to be cheesecake - it's pretty obvious as I now have about 4 cheesecake versions on this blog and yes, there'll be more to come. We simply cannot resist the creamy, sweet and rich nature of this delectable dessert! It's especially better when mixed in with some chocolate, right?

Feb 5, 2013

4-Ingredient Nutella Cookies

Before I have ever made my 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies, I never much believed that it was possible to make cookies with such a few ingredients. How could it be? But then I was proven wrong and yes, it was indeed possible to make the loveliest cookies with only a few ingredients. In fact, because there are only very few ingredients - the flavor is more concentrated (pure chocolate bliss in these Nutella Cookies) not to mention - it becomes so simple to make too!

I have been wanting to try making these Nutella cookies for the longest time but for some reason never got the chance to do so. But since today is World Nutella Day (who knew there is such a day?) I thought I ought to give it a try....after all I have some Nutella sitting on my counter top and waiting to be enjoyed.

The verdict - these Nutella Cookies are heavenly!!! Not only are they easy to make, they are so yummy too and amazingly not overpoweringly sweet! Moist, chewy and fudgy - pure chocolate deliciousness at it best! You really ought to try this!

I will give credit where credit is due....for this recipe I am totally indebted to Kirbie's Craving. I have adapted her Easiest Nutella Cookies for this recipe. And I would say --- it is a total winner!


1 cup Nutella
1 egg
1/2 cup + 2 Tablespoons flour
1/2 cup Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips


Preheat the oven to 350F.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the nutella, flour and egg.

Using a wooden spoon, mix until the dough comes together and no flour lumps remain. 

Stir in chocolate chips until they are all incorporated into the dough.

For the next step, I used a rounded tablespoon to help shape the cookies into dough balls. It's actually a rounded measuring tablespoon for a tea pot so it's slightly larger than your usual measuring spoon but the latter should work well too. I managed to make about 18 dough balls.

Place the cookie balls on a cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. I pressed the cookie balls slightly to flatten them a little bit. I think I will just leave them rounded next time. If you want perfectly rounded edges on your cookies, then smooth out the cracks on the cookies. I wasn't bothered so I just left it as is, cracks and all!

Bake for about 10 minutes. Cookies would still be slightly soft but that's fine. Leave in the cookie sheet for about 3-4 minutes or until it has hardened just a little bit to make it easier to transfer to a wire rack. Let the cookies cool on a wire rack until completely set.

Enjoy the cookies while still warm-ish and the choco chips are still soft and quite meltingly tender.  Or serve it after it has totally cooled too - the cookies still retain their yummy chewiness! Chocolate perfection defined!

If you wish to print the recipe, there's a print icon below the post. Click on the "remove images" box for easy and convenient printing.

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