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Aug 13, 2015

Food and Travel Feature: UK and France 2015

We are on our European holiday at the moment so posts for this month will include not just recipes but also travel features about the countries we are visiting. Here are some holiday photos from our trip to the UK and France. Hope you enjoy browsing!

Mar 19, 2014

Brittany Butter Cake

A cross between a cake and a shortbread cookie this dense and buttery BRITTANY BUTTER CAKE is fantastically delicious! Meet your cuppa Joe's or tea's perfect match!

Do you love shortbread? Then you will love this cake. It is a cross between a shortbread and a cake and as you can imagine - with the "butter" in it's name it's got to be delicious and it is! This cake which originated from Brittany is traditionally made with salted butter though nowadays many recipes use plain unsalted butter. I stuck with the original idea and enjoyed the dense salted butter taste of the cake but if you prefer to use the unsalted butter instead, feel free to do so.

Sep 26, 2013

Peach and Raspberry Financiers

A Financier is a small French Almond Cake traditionally baked in the shape of a gold bar, hence the name. Some say that it is called such because the cake became popular in the financial district of Paris surrounding the Paris stock exchange and was named after its wealthy bankers. Its main ingredient is the almond flour (ground or finely crushed) though it's distinct feature comes from the use of  beurre noisette (brown butter).

Jun 21, 2013

Travel Feature: Paris, France - The Louvre and Les Ombres

Here's the second part of our travel feature. On Wednesday (June 19) we scheduled a trip to the Louvre Museum. Originally, we wanted to do it on Tuesday but it is closed on that day so we had to postpone it to Wednesday which happened to be our 10th Wedding Anniversary.

Jun 20, 2013

Travel Feature: Paris, France

As some of you know we are on holiday at the moment. Because of time constraints and not having full internet access all the time I will be sharing some travel features here along with the regular food posts. Let's begin our travel feature with our trip to Paris.
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