Apr 20, 2013

Strawberry Banana and Orange Smoothie

Strawberries were on sale this week so we bought a lot! I have made my Fresh Strawberry Cake three times just this week but I still had enough berries for a smoothie. Also, I had some Bananas and Oranges that I can use too. Of course, using bananas in a smoothie is a given for me - it lends sweetness and creaminess and when used frozen you actually don't need to add any ice to the smoothie. However, I haven't attempted much on using Orange Juice and since I have so many Navel Oranges and they really need to be used up I thought I ought to just try and see how this three fruit smoothie will come out.

Needless to say, the kids love it and had a enjoyable time drinking it! I didn't even put any sweetener at all. Try this all-natural and truly yummy Strawberry Banana and Orange Smoothie - perfect for breakfast or anytime!

2 frozen Bananas, sliced
1 cup Strawberries,  tops removed
Freshly squeezed Orange Juice from 3 Oranges (about 1 cup)
1 cup Plain Yogurt
Sugar or your favorite Sweetener (optional)


Place all the ingredients in a blender. Process until smooth. Pour into 2 glasses or jars. Serve immediately. Enjoy!!!

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  1. Oh you know I love smoothies Abby, this one is looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hello again Ms. Abby! When I saw your picture of this smoothie, I remembered my Avocado Mango smoothie last week! So refreshing! Im curious of the effect of the orange with the banana.. Now thats an idea! Thanks for the share!

  3. However, I haven't attempted much on using Orange Juice and since I have so many Navel Oranges and they really need to be used up I thought I ought to just try and see how this three fruit smoothie will come out.best smoothie blender


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