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Apr 29, 2013

Gluten-free Tuna Pasta Salad

It's been over a month now since my husband has changed his diet - dairy-free, soy-free and gluten-free! I know, sounds like an awful chunk of food group(s) have been removed.... It was overwhelming at first and I didn't think I'd be able to cook anything but with some research and a little creativity - it's not impossible to live this way, actually.

Apr 27, 2013

Ground Pork Menudo


It's been awhile since I posted a Filipino recipe so I thought that I will share one today. This is quite an old recipe which I posted on my old blog and you can see that with the photo - I didn't know anything about photo composition yet - point and shoot is what I did then! However, don't worry it would still look like this when you cook it - though perhaps a newer photo may do justice to the recipe.

Apr 25, 2013

Fresh Strawberry and White Chocolate Muffins

Imagine a cold and gloomy morning and you wake up to the delicious aroma of freshly baked muffins that's still warm and waiting just for you! What an ideal way to start the day, right? It's not impossible and I sure have an excellent recipe for you - Fresh Strawberry and White Chocolate Muffins!

Apr 23, 2013

Stilton and Walnut Pie

We are excited to go to England in a few weeks time! Because of this I thought it's about time I add a British recipe, after all I am married to one! :-) Thankfully, my husband has such an eclectic taste when it comes to food and is always willing to try something new that he's not too bothered that I don't do much British cooking.

Apr 20, 2013

Strawberry Banana and Orange Smoothie

Strawberries were on sale this week so we bought a lot! I have made my Fresh Strawberry Cake three times just this week but I still had enough berries for a smoothie. Also, I had some Bananas and Oranges that I can use too. Of course, using bananas in a smoothie is a given for me - it lends sweetness and creaminess and when used frozen you actually don't need to add any ice to the smoothie. However, I haven't attempted much on using Orange Juice and since I have so many Navel Oranges and they really need to be used up I thought I ought to just try and see how this three fruit smoothie will come out.

Needless to say, the kids love it and had a enjoyable time drinking it! I didn't even put any sweetener at all. Try this all-natural and truly yummy Strawberry Banana and Orange Smoothie - perfect for breakfast or anytime!

2 frozen Bananas, sliced
1 cup Strawberries,  tops removed
Freshly squeezed Orange Juice from 3 Oranges (about 1 cup)
1 cup Plain Yogurt
Sugar or your favorite Sweetener (optional)


Place all the ingredients in a blender. Process until smooth. Pour into 2 glasses or jars. Serve immediately. Enjoy!!!

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