Aug 8, 2013

Berry Medley Bombe

For those who want to make ice cream but fear that they cannot make it because they don't have an ice cream maker, have no more fear the Bombe is here! The Bombe GlacĂ©e, or simply a bombe in English, is an ice cream dessert frozen in a spherical mold so as to resemble a cannonball, hence the name.

The Bombe comes in many flavors that are fruity and sweet though the most popular one is the Raspberry Bombe. For this Bombe version, I used a combination of berries - a medley of strawberries, raspberries, black and blue berries. I wanted the delicious berries of summer to be represented in this wonderful dessert and to provide some sweet-tangy flavors to this yummy ice cream.

The ice cream itself is sweet but the berry sauce is sweet-tangy so you will get a refreshing contrast of flavors. If you prefer just a sweeter version - you can either omit the Lemon from the Berry sauce or you can opt not to make the sauce. We love it with the Berry sauce 'cause of the flavor contrast but feel free to tweak it to your fancy. As my hubby says, this ice cream is deliciously unique as it's a cross between super sweet ice cream and tangy yogurt. We all loved it because not only did it look gorgeously fantastic it was truly refreshingly delicious! Moreover, it's not a complicated dish and something one can easily whip up! Enjoy this fabulous dessert before the summer is over!


12 oz Mixed Berries, fresh or frozen
1-2 Tablespoons Honey (adjust sweetness to your taste)
1 1/2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed Lemon juice (optional)
1 1/2 cups Heavy (Double Cream)
3/4 cup Half and Half (Light Cream)
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract

Important tool - 2 pint-size Pudding basin (or any freezer-safe bowl).


Line the pudding basin twice with a cling wrap. Press the cling wrap to the sides and bottom of the basin. Let the wrap hang over the edges so it's easier to remove the bombe later.

If using frozen berries, heat the berries on low heat with the honey and lemon juice (if using) until softened. Let cool for a couple of minutes. When using fresh berries, just puree it ahead with the honey and lemon juice.

Blend the berries, honey and the lemon juice (if using) in a food processor until smooth. Use a strainer or sieve to separate the seeds from the sauce/puree. Divide the sauce into two parts. Reserve the other half and place in the refrigerator for later use.

Beat the light and heavy creams together until they thicken or just before soft peaks form. Slowly add in the sugar and Vanilla extract and continue to beat until soft peaks form. Very gently fold in the remaining berry sauce into the cream mixture to give it a marbled effect.

Turn the mixture into a 2-pint size pudding basin or a freeze safe bowl. Cover with foil and then freeze until firm. To serve flip the basin upside down onto a serving plate and release the bombe. Peel off the cling wrap. Allow the ice cream to soften for a few minutes, if it's still quite hard.

Pour the remaining berry sauce or puree over the bombe just before serving. Slice into wedges. Decorate and serve with fresh berries if desired. Enjoy!

If you wish to print the recipe, there's a print-friendly icon at the end of the post. Click on the "remove images box" for easy printing.

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  1. oh my life! Abby...this is THE BOMB never mind a bombe!!! I love it!! I am going to make this when I've been shopping....oh oh oh you got me with this dessert! and i like your 'important tool' note..... made me laugh! I might make mini ones :) then I can have one every day...oh yesssssss I will line the muffin tins with cling film for ease later in removal, and pour the mix into mini bombs! waahhh so cool! Love love love it! mary

    1. So right on, this is the BOMB!!! You know what, I thought about the cling wrap 'cause that's what I use with my Chocolate Marquise so it's easier to remove from the loaf pan but I had second thoughts because the marquise is only refrigerated and not frozen, hence the plastic was not difficult to remove at all. I just wonder if the plastic won't stick to the ice cream and leave some residue when I remove it? But perhaps you're right I ought to just give it a try with this one. I will try the cling wrap for next time and then update the recipe. Thanks for stopping by Mary. Glad you love this! Enjoy! :-)

  2. This will definitely crush my diet! I loooove this! And yes I second the motion, its the BOMB! The colors are also so great!


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