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May 14, 2012

Chicken Breasts in Paprika Sauce

This recipe for Chicken Breasts in Paprika Sauce is truly yummy, pretty easy and perfect for a weeknight family dinner!  |

It was Mother's Day yesterday, so I decided to give my family a treat (I know, shouldn't it be the other way around?) :-) Well, our family day out is usually on a Monday and Sunday is the Lord's Day, so I didn't really mind waiting till the next day.

Anyway, I decided to cook them something French --- just to try something new. Chicken Breasts in Paprika Sauce - Supremes de Volaille Hongroise. Easier to say it in English, if you ask me. Also, it was an easy dish to prepare yet it looks quite elegant too.

Well, it was the rice that accompanied the chicken that sealed the deal. Am glad my British husband did not complain that I was giving him French food. He did suggest that perhaps next time I should try to use the hot paprika to give the dish a bit of a kick!
You see my hubby loves anything spicy but just like the French I only used the mild/sweet paprika for this one.   

So, depending on your taste preference, you can use either the sweet or spicy paprika. Either way, I think it's a winner, especially if it is eaten with rice!  

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2 tbsp butter, divided

1 small onion, chopped
2 tsp paprika (sweet or spicy, whatever you fancy)
Salt, to taste
1/4 cup dry white wine
1 cup Velouté Sauce (click here for recipe)
1 tbsp oil
1 lb chicken breast (about 2),  skinned, boned and halved
1/3-1/2 cup heavy cream


Melt 1 tbsp of the butter in a small saucepan. I usually add just about a teaspoon of oil, to prevent the butter from burning/browning.
Add the onion. Season with the paprika and salt and cook until onion is soft about 5 mins.

Add the white wine.  Increase the heat, reduce the wine to about half. Once reduced, lower the heat.

Stir in the velouté sauce. Cook until heated up and everything is fully incorporated.

Set aside and keep warm.

Season the chicken halves with salt and  additional paprika.

Melt the remaining 1 tbsp of butter with the oil in a large frying pan. When hot, sauté the chicken in the pan for  about 3 minutes per side, or until springy when pressed.

Transfer the breasts to a serving plate. Deglaze the pan with the heavy cream.

Pour in the velouté sauce mixed with the onions. Cook until heated through.

 Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve with steamed rice and green veggies.

If you wish to print the recipe, there's a print-friendly icon above the recipe. Click on the "images box" and choose remove the photos for easy printing.

This recipe for Chicken Breasts in Paprika Sauce is truly yummy, pretty easy and perfect for a weeknight family dinner! |

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