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Dec 16, 2015

Cranberry Eggnog Espresso Chocolate Chip Cake

No need for a mixer to make this easy and delicious Cranberry Eggnog and Espresso (Chocolate) Chip Cake. The perfect dessert for Christmas and New Year. Great with your fave coffee drink, too! |

This is my 13th cranberry recipe in the blog, can you believe it? I only realized that when I counted yesterday. That really shows how much we love cranberries in this family. It's such a great ingredient to use whether for a savory or sweet dish as it imparts a tangy and fresh taste that contrasts, enhances or compliments other flavors. Of course, it is a natural holiday favorite too because of its vibrant red color which makes anything you add it to look festive and gorgeous.

Dec 9, 2015

Christmas Krispie Wreaths

Have fun with your kids this Christmas by making these quick, easy and delicious NO BAKE Christmas Rice Krispie Wreaths. Decorate these festive wreaths with sprinkles, candy canes, fruits, etc....the possibilities are endless! |

A few Christmases ago, while my kids were still quite young, we made some edible crafts that kept them occupied long enough to allow me some peace and quiet for an hour or so and also helped fill their little tummies. At that time, I wanted them not just to enjoy making something with Mommy but also have a sense of fulfillment with the work of their hands. So, we made these easy rice krispie Christmas wreaths.

Dec 5, 2015

25 Delicious No Bake Holiday Chocolate Desserts

All the chocolate deliciousness you can enjoy in this delectable collection of 25 Delicious NO BAKE Chocolate Desserts!

Who can resist a good chocolate dessert? I certainly cannot! I am such a huge chocoholic that most of the desserts I do in this blog involve chocolate especially the dark and bitter variety. Hubby totally influenced me on that as he's an even bigger chocolate fan than me. So it is just proper to make a recipe round up of nothing else but chocolate - the best NO Bake Chocolate Desserts online! After all, the Christmas season is such a busy time that you want recipes that are quick, easy, make ahead and something that involves (if possible) no oven at all! 

Dec 2, 2015

Slow Cooker Spiced Apple Cranberry Cider

A deliciously spiced fruity cider with a mix of apple and cranberry juices and made in the slow cooker for ease and convenience. Family friendly and party-perfect! 

A deliciously spiced fruity cider with a mix of apple and cranberry juices and made in the slow cooker for ease and convenience. Family friendly and party-perfect! |

While I am not an avid fan of winter at all (blame that on my tropical island upbringing!), there are certain things that I like that are associated with it. Christmas season would naturally top the list and of course, being  a food blogger, I love all the food and drink that we often enjoy only during the cold months. Like a steaming mug of hot chocolate for instance or as this post features - a deliciously spiced fruity cider.

Nov 29, 2015

21 Luscious NO BAKE Holiday Cheesecakes

The best, easiest and most luscious NO BAKE CHEESECAKES around the web to celebrate Christmas, New Year and any holiday!!! |

It's the most wonderful time of the year....With the kids jingle belling....And everyone telling you be of good cheer......and so the song goes. This song has been playing in my head for a few days now. I guess because I have been gearing up for Christmas since September that's why! Why September? Because the whole 7,100+ islands of the Philippine archipelago believe in their hearts as soon as the -BER months begin - it's the signal of Christmas season so some radio stations and around the malls you'll begin to hear Christmas carols already. I know, it's too much but I am just trying to fully embrace my culture! LOL. 
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