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May 24, 2017

Sticky Toffee Pudding

The classic and well-known British dessert - Sticky Toffee Pudding! Simply the best.

Photo credit: Chalk and Cheese

Last October 2016 my whole family went to England. It was a bittersweet strip. Bitter because we were there as my father-in-law passed away. Sweet, not only because we knew he went to join his Saviour but also because the trip provided the opportunity to have a mini-family reunion as we saw the rest of Mark's family. 

During the trip we stayed with Mark's cousin and the kids finally got to meet their second cousins. It was so nice as all 4 of them got along very well. They were all so excited to exchange stories and compare the similarities between the USA and the UK. Oh they had a blast!

Now while we were there, we were treated to amazing food and this glorious classic British dessert - Sticky Toffee Pudding!! Hubby enjoyed it so much that he asked his cousin for a copy. Thankfully, she obliged and kindly shared the recipe with us. It is a shame that I didn't get the chance to photograph her perfect creation of this pudding. I have found on wikipedia a photo of the pudding - so I had to use that. But don't worry, once I get the chance to make this at home - I will certainly show this dessert in all its glory and update the recipe with the photo so watch this space!!

In the meantime, I decided to add the recipe here as this blog is my online archive for my recipes. This way I can always access the recipe from everywhere.  Enjoy!

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Sticky Toffee Pudding

Manila Spoon
Published: 05/24/2017

Sticky Toffee Pudding

The classic and well-known British dessert - Sticky Toffee Pudding! Simply the best.


  • 275 ml. boiling Water
  • 175 gr. ready chopped Dates
  • 1 rounded teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 50 gr. salted Butter
  • A pinch of Salt
  • 75 gr. demerara Sugar
  • 75 gr. molasses Sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 175 gr. self-raising Flour
  • 1 teaspoon pure Vanilla Extract
  • softened Butter, for greasing

    For the Sticky Toffee Pudding
  • 250 ml. double Cream (heavy cream)
  • 80 gr. salted Butter
  • 80 gr. molasses Sugar

  •   For the Extra Sauce   
  • 300 ml. whipping Cream
  • 50 gr. molasses Sugar
  • 50 gr. salted Butter

    To Serve    
  • Ice cold double cream (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F / 180 C / gas mark 4. Measure the water from a boiled kettle, pour into a bowl and add the dates. Stir and leave until lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure out all the other pudding ingredients, add to the dates and water and stir together. Put this into the bowl of a food processor or liquidizer and puree until smooth, but with a few tell-tale specks of date still visible. Generously butter a baking dish of at least 2-litre capacity on all surfaces and pour in the sponge batter. (Note: It is important that the chosen dish will be filled no more than half-full by the mixture, as it rises a great deal during cooking and you will need room to pour over the topping.) Bake for about 30 minutes, or just until firm to the touch.
  2. Meanwhile, make both the topping and the extra sauce, by heating the ingredients gently in individual pans, whisking regularly, until they briefly boil and then smoothly amalgamate; two pans of butterscotch sauce, effectively. Pour the topping over the cooked pudding and place under a moderate grill until bubbling and sticky looking.
  3. Spoon into individual bowls and pour around the extra sauce. The cold double cream, even though you might think it otiose, offers a very nice, cooling contrast to all that hot, sticky sponge and sweet, saucy sauces. Enjoy!
Yield: 6 Servings
Prep Time: 00 hrs. 20 mins.
Cook time: 00 hrs. 30 mins.
Total time: 50 mins.
Tags: Sticky Toffee Pudding. British, dessert

May 20, 2017

How to Cook the Perfect Rice Every Time!

Tried and tested, best and easiest way to cook the perfect rice every time! No more guessing game!

Tried and tested, best and easiest way to cook the perfect rice every time! No more guessing game!

There is a joke in the Philippines as I was growing up in the province that a girl is not allowed to marry until she can prove that she knows how to cook rice!! I think I must have been reminded about this many times that it stuck in my head! Thankfully, this is no longer the litmus test before one can marry or many would have flunked right away.

May 12, 2017

Asparagus with Bacon and Mushrooms

This quick and easy Asparagus dish is loaded with flavor from bacon and mushrooms! Done in 15 minutes or less. Totally gluten-free and low-carb, too.

This quick and easy Asparagus dish is loaded with flavor from bacon and mushrooms! Done in 15 minutes or less. Totally gluten-free and low-carb, too.

My family, including my kids, love Asparagus so when we see it on sale we definitely buy a bunch or 2 for cooking. We have our favorite asparagus dishes like the cheesy Asparagus with Parmesan or the  Asparagus Tart but I thought of doing another quick and easy stir-fry type asparagus dish so we don't get bored with the same old, same old.

May 4, 2017

Slow Cooker Blackberry Cobbler

This is so amazingly delicious and unbelievably easy to make! Best of all, no baking required as your slow cooker does all the work. Serve warm with pouring cream or ice cream - heavenly!

This is so amazingly delicious and unbelievably easy to make! Best of all, no baking required as your slow cooker does all the work. Serve warm with pouring cream or ice cream - heavenly! Slow Cooker Blackberry Cobbler

Blackberries were on sale the other day so I couldn't help but grab a few punnets. When  I went home I wondered what I would do with them. We usually just eat it plain or as is but I thought I ought to make some dessert using the berries because it was the weekend and hubby always wants to have a good dessert during Sunday lunch. I didn't feel like turning the oven on but wanted to have a dessert ready for when we come home. Voila - the slow cooker to the rescue!

Apr 30, 2017

Banana Upside Down Cake

Use sweet ripe bananas or plantains to make this light, super-moist and delicious upside down cake!

I love upside down cake! Not only is it easy to make it is quite versatile, too as you can choose the topping you want. I have done one with berries, mangoes, kiwi and this time I thought why not one with Bananas. After all, my entire family loves bananas and especially when I use them for cake! So, it was an easy decision to use bananas for this delicious and moist upside down cake!
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