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Sep 16, 2015

Yummy Blueberry Cheesecake

Delicious and creamy blueberry cheesecake with a luscious sweet-tangy sauce that brings this dessert over the top. Fresh or frozen blueberries can be used so it's an all-season dessert.

Delectable blueberry cheesecake.....for me there isn't a more satisfying dessert than a sumptuous slice of cheesecake. My whole family loves cheesecake so I have made different varieties through the years - from no bake, to plain, white chocolate, dark chocolate, with green tea, one with nutella, etc - you name it. While I haven't totally exhausted all kinds of cheesecake - we are always willing to try something new.

Sep 11, 2015

Fig, Prosciutto and Arugula Sandwich Wrap

Fresh figs from California were on sale the other day so I grabbed myself a box. It's unbelievable but it was my first time to actually taste fresh figs. Oh, it was so sweet and delicious! How could I not have tried this before?  Actually, it's because I've never really noticed fresh figs being sold much in the grocery where we lived previously. Perhaps, I didn't look hard enough and that could be true or perhaps I usually just found the dried ones. Since we don't have these in the Philippines, I am truly not very familiar with it and have never used them for anything.

Sep 4, 2015

No Churn Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream

My whole family agrees - this is the best Ice Cream I have ever made. Sweet-tangy and deliciously creamy is this Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream. No need for an ice cream maker!

This post was meant to be published last month when the blazing summer sun was in all its glory. However, since we were on a holiday break certain adjustments had to be made. Since we regularly feature photographic travel journals in the blog as well, I decided to devote the month of  August to that and I think it worked out well as I managed to actually finish all the travel posts pretty much within the time frame. Hurrah!!! If you wish to see these posts, you can find them here.

Sep 2, 2015

Food Tastings: Deliciously Healthy Cooking Class by Food Magazine


Aug 31, 2015

Food and Travel Feature: Munich & Berlin, Germany 2015

This is part 4 of our Food and Travel series 2015 featuring the places we visited during our tour of Europe in August. We are featuring two cities here - Munich and Berlin. There is so much to show and learn about these fascinating cities and our quick tour is not enough to cover them all. This is simply a quick overview of what can be seen there. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy browsing through.  This photo was taken at Marienplatz - a central square in the center of Munich. It has been the city's main square since 1158 and this was the place where we began our tour.
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