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Aug 8, 2015

Sautéed Kale with Bacon and Garlic

Cooking, on occasion, is a shared chore between my husband and myself. I am so glad for that because there are times when I am not able to cook and when that happens, I am not worried because I know that hubby has a few recipes up his sleeve that he can easily whip up for the family. Sometimes, he just feels like giving me a break, too and then he cooks his favorite recipes that we all enjoy. On other times, things are just hectic and that's when I need an extra hand in the kitchen to help speed things up and that's when he is so handy, too!

Like in this particular day, a few days ago, when we were all set to leave for the UK for a holiday. Our flight was in the evening but we still had to make it early enough to the airport which was in New York so things really got busy in the morning with all the last minute packing and, of course, preparations for breakfast. Thankfully, hubby and the kids came to the rescue! We divided the chore - kids set the table as usual while hubby and I set off to make the food.

We had some food we needed to eat up before we left and we didn't want to just throw them away. We had some assortment of food - quinoa, fresh tomatoes, eggs, bacon and kale. I felt like we were in Chopped trying to figure out what to make with these ingredients. Thankfully, my creative and quick-thinking husband decided he would make quinoa with some scrambled eggs and bacon - which I thought was a fabulous idea! I decided I had to do something with the kale and so my kids would eat it (they had to anyway!) I thought I'd make it a bit more palatable by adding some bacon and garlic. So in the end, we had a delicious breakfast as you can see in the photo - it all came out well. It was a sweet ending as all the food that needed to be used up were not wasted and put to good use. And most of all, I have this quick and easy Kale dish for you to enjoy. Only 3 ingredients to make this tasty and somewhat healthy side dish (it's got Kale!)! Experiment on the seasoning and use either some soy sauce or oyster sauce to replace the salt and pepper to make an Asian-flavored side dish! Enjoy!

Sautéed Kale with Bacon and Garlic

Who says Kale cannot taste good? Add some bacon and garlic and you're all set - Sauteed Kale with Bacon and Garlic. Naturally, gluten-free and low-carb!


  • 3-4 Bacon strips
  • 3 Garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
  • 2 packs (5 oz each) Baby Kale
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste


  1. In a wok or a large skillet, cook the bacon until it has rendered its fat and has turned crispy. Break the bacon into bits. Set aside.
  2. Pour out the bacon grease from the pan but leave about 3 tablespoons for cooking. Saute the garlic cloves briefly until aromatic.
  3. Add the kale leaves, stir and cook until wilted. This doesn't take very long perhaps about 3-4 minutes depending on how tender you want the kale to be. Season with salt and pepper. If you fancy some Asian seasoning instead, replace the salt and pepper with soy sauce or oyster sauce, to taste (about 2-3 teaspoons).
  4. Transfer to a serving plate and garnish with the bacon bits. Enjoy immediately.
Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cooking Time: 10 Minutes
Total Time: 15 Minutes

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Aug 3, 2015

Belgian Iced Coffee Cream (Café Liegeois)

Today, just before the clock strikes midnight, our family is off to Europe! We are all very excited, indeed! My husband Mark is English so every other year we go to England to visit his parents. While there we make it a point to cross over the continent so we can visit a few countries and enjoy not just the people and their culture, but of course, their food....glorious FOOD! So just before I place the few bits and pieces of stuff into my luggage and take off, I thought I'll publish this post. After all it's quite appropriate as it's a European dessert - Belgian Iced Coffee Cream (Cafe  Liegeois) - and something that makes me giddy excited about this trip!

That's me back in 2013 in a cafe in Brussels enjoying this most delicious coffee with a delightful chocolate surprise at the bottom! Apart from their chocolate and waffles, I am totally in-love as well with Belgian coffee - for a coffee lover like me - it was coffee heaven to enjoy the various types of coffee delicacy they had.

This famous Belgian Iced Coffee Cream (Cafe  Liegeois) dessert actually doesn't require a strict recipe as it's so easy to make and certainly so adjustable to one's preference. What I'll write below are the ingredients and a guide as to how I make it based on how I like it to taste.

First you really need a good Espresso! Thankfully, I live in an area where I am surrounded by 3 amazing Italian delis so I just purchased individual shots of espresso.

Then, get your favorite Vanilla ice cream, double or heavy whipping cream and your favorite chocolate sauce and some chocolate bars (the last one is optional). The original Belgian dessert actually uses either coffee extract or even  liqueur but I have kids so I thought - I'll switch it to some chocolate sauce instead so they can enjoy this, too! :) Hence, the chocolate is missing from the photo below.... :)

And after that, it's simply a matter of mixing it all together (the ice cream should be softened a little for easier mixing). You can either mix by hand, use an immersion blender or if you wish it to be more like an ice cream again - churn it once more in an ice cream maker. Either way, they're all good. Look at all that yummy chocolate sauce!

Anyway whether you're a coffee lover or not, do try this easy dessert! It is so goooood - it will blow you away! Enjoy immediately! :)

Belgian Iced Coffee Cream (Café Liegeois)


  • 8 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream, softened slightly (not thawed)
  • 2-3 shots of strong and unsweetened Espresso, divided
  • 8 Tablespoons of heavy or double whipping cream
  • 4 Tablespoons of Chocolate sauce (homemade or store-bought)
  • 1 (70 %) dark Chocolate bar (for garnish, optional)


  1. Chill 4 small glasses or bowls in the freezer while readying the other ingredients.
  2. Divide the ice cream (2 scoops each) into the 4 glasses or bowls.
  3. Pour over equal amounts of espresso on each bowl (depending on how strong you want it - between 1-2 teaspoons is suggested or to taste.) Follow it with the chocolate sauce and the heavy cream, evenly dividing the cream and chocolate sauce among the bowls.
  4. Mix by hand or use an immersion blender. If it looks quite soft, simply place in the freezer for 10 minutes or so to harden a little or you can enjoy it right away! Garnish with chocolate shavings just before serving, if desired.
Yield: 4 Servings
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cooking Time: 0 Minutes
Total Time: 5 Minutes

We love to hear from you. Do share your comment or feedback on any of our recipes. 

If you like what you see and would like to receive new recipe updates, we'd love you to subscribe to our posts or join our site. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Pinterest where you can get more recipes and updates. Thanks and happy browsing!


Jul 29, 2015

Oriental (Asian) Coleslaw

From the time I got to taste this delicious salad many years ago during one of our church potluck dinners, I was hooked. I must admit the first time I saw this salad, I thought it looked weird. Uncooked ramen noodles on top? Really? 

Jul 21, 2015

Scrumptious Butter Cake

I usually have a few posts waiting to be published. I like to prepare ahead, when I can, so I don't panic when it's time to post a new recipe. Since we are off to Europe in less than 2 weeks I thought it's time to share this delicious and moist Butter Cake of German origin since we will be visiting Germany as part of our trip and it may help me get me into the mood. Truth is, I am panicking rather than feeling excited because there's still so much to do before we go but am also hopeful things will all get done on time! We shall see!!!

Jul 18, 2015

Lazy Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

Tomorrow we will have fellowship dinner at church. Apart from a main dish and salad, I included some dessert as well as part of my family's pot luck contribution. Early in the week, I decided to look for a dessert that can be prepared at least a day ahead which does not require much fuss yet still has that palate-pleasing factor.
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